Open coordinates in Google Maps
Enter Coordinates in any format - paste and go!
Whether you’re dealing with GPS coordinates, UTM, MGRS, or any other coordinate format, Coordinates Opener makes it easy to pinpoint any location on the map. Say goodbye to manually converting formats or searching for locations — just input your coordinates and get directions instantly. Whether you’re a traveler, a surveyor, or a tech enthusiast, accessing coordinates has never been easier.
Click here to start Coordinates Opener
Key Features of Coordinates Opener
- Supports Multiple Formats: GPS, UTM, MGRS, and more. If it’s a coordinate, we handle it.
- No Conversion Needed: Just paste your coordinates, and we do the rest. No more worrying about formats.
- Instant Google Maps View: Instantly open any location in Google Maps.
- Simple & Fast: Just a click and you’re navigating!
How Coordinates Opener Works
Coordinates opener will analyze your text input.
- If it’s a well defined point on earth it will open it instantly on Google Maps.
- If it’s an ambiguous point it will ask for an approximate location and find the best matching coordinate system.
Supported coordinate systems
We support a vast number of coordinate systems - thousands. We utilize the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset.
- Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
- WGS84 / World Mercator
- North American Datum (NAD)
- British National Grid (BNG, OSGB)
- United States National Grid (USNG)
- Global Navigation Grid Code (GNGC)
- Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
- Lambert-93
- Irish Grid
- Swiss grid
- New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG)
- Irish Transverse Mercator
- Israeli Transverse Mercator
- and many more